Fuel for Fast Food Fasting

Soda, fries, dollar burgers on white buns...all things my family can live without.  Iced tea in a big foam cup and my toddler's "tato" that I've bought her as an occasional mid-morning reward are a little harder to pass up.  We've managed to avoid all of these things in our first week of our "fast food fast" during Lent.  As I write this, I'm nervous about breaking our own rules in the next day or two.  I'd better stock up on the fuel we need to help us bypass the drive-through lane. 

1. Water, water, everywhere:  My girls are accustomed to having a fresh canteen of water to go with them in the car.  On a busier day out, I may need to pack an extra bottle for everybody.

2. Caffeine from home:  If I must have iced tea (I'm not a coffee drinker), it's up to me to brew it at home.  When I make all or part of it green tea, I feel like I'm doing something better for myself.

3. Nonperishable snacks:  The girls were thrilled to bring home dried veggie chips from the store this week.  They always love pretzels.  More wholesome cookies, on occasion.  They are usually happy with whatever snack I offer, as long as they each have their own container to take along.  (I know, plastic bags are not the best container, but we'll work on that issue another time.)

4. Insulated lunch:  This one is the most challenging, since it requires the most planning for our day.  It's hard to give up the flexibility of being able to linger at the park on a sunny day, and then just getting fast food on the fly.  So far in our first week, we've been able to return home each day for lunch.   

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