Growing Seeds & Killing Thyme

Oregano Survived the Winter

We've scratched the warming outdoor soil to plant our spinach this past week.  Then got a gentle rain to help it along.  I've been admiring the little terrace garden, while waiting to have starter plants big enough to bring outdoors. I found the courage to mix up the fish emulsion and fed all of the baby indoor seedlings with it.

Planting Spinach Seeds Outdoors

I'm impressed with how good the oregano looks, having wintered outdoors in a terra cotta pot with no help from me.  Yet, I've managed somehow to kill some little starts of thyme that I bought at a nursery this spring.  That makes me feel anxious about the plants indoors.  I think I need to transplant some into bigger starter pots.  Although the calendar tells me I should still wait a couple of weeks, I want to move more of these plants into the ground soon.
Mixing Fish Emulsion
Our Garden Terrace