Scrappy Sprouts: Those Darn Dresses

I love to sew.  I really do.  I love the creative process.  I rarely find the time to sew as much as I would like for my girls these days.  Maybe Grandma sewed all of those handmade dresses for her girls because she wasn't spending her time blogging.  Or taking her girls on playdates.

I'm relieved that I at least found time to cut out the fancy dresses that I'm making from Vogue patterns.  I ran out of the main fabric before I got to the lining for the larger one.  So, I think I'll line it with some remnants of gold fabric that I have around here.

I hope your latest sewing projects are going faster than mine.  My oldest also started learning to hand-stitch with me this week on an easy Easter egg sewing project.  More about that another time.

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