Scrappy Sprouts: Easy Children's Easter Crafts

The Easter crafts my children have been making with me at home are so easy that they barely qualify as projects that need instructions.  But it's the easy part, the ability to get them done quickly, that works for us lately.  We thought we'd share them.

We needed a way to personalize little mailers to the grandparents while sending along a few photos of the kids.  We recycled simple brown packaging paper by tracing and cutting out basic egg shapes.  Then the girls used tempera paints to decorate a paper egg for each set of grandparents.  The pastel colors contrasted nicely against the brown paper.  These little works of art were small enough to tuck into an envelope.
We traced a similar basic egg shape onto fabric so that my oldest daughter could try a sewing project with me.  She's too young to safely use a sewing machine.  So we made this an exercise in stitching by hand.  It's a little egg-shaped pillow or sachet that could hang on a doorknob.  Materials:  Fabric scraps, some kind of stuffing and approx. 16 inches of 1/4-inch-wide ribbon. 

1. Trace and cut a simple egg pattern onto two layers of cotton fabric.
2. Cut an 8-inch piece of ribbon, fold it in half, sew 1/4-inch from top edge on right side of one piece of the fabric.  This makes a loop for hanging on a doorknob or hook.
3. Pin fabric right sides together.  Either machine stitch at 1/2-inch from edge, or whip-stitch by hand approximately 1/4 from edge, leaving a 2-inch section open.  If machine stitching, you might as well stitch again to finish the raw edge before turning. (Note that my pinning pattern was different because we hand stitched.  If machine stitching, always leave pins perpendicular to the stitching line.) 
4. Turn right side out and stuff with loose batting, cut-up pieces of old pantyhose, or dried lavender for a sachet.

5. Turn inside the raw edges of the remaining opening and whip stitch it shut.

6. If this is a hand-sewn project, whip stitch again around the outside edge.  Use thread that matches your fabric unless you want to see the thread contrast, in which case your stitching should be especially neat.

7. Cut another 8-inch piece of ribbon, fold into bow shape and tack to the top of the egg.

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