Herb Festival Finds

What a fun weekend it's been to visit the Asheville Herb Festival in the mountains of Western North Carolina.  The narrow market sheds were brimming with the colors of flowers, smells of homemade soaps and sounds of happy people. 

It was encouraging to see busy families with young children, free-spirited barefoot young adults and formally dressed senior citizens all excited about the same things.  I saw lots of baby strollers and wagons loaded up with seedlings.  The focus was clearly local, sustainable products and transparency in teaching customers to appreciate them. 

I found a couple of plants to round out what we needed in our home garden.  I picked up a few seeds, particularly pumpkin for starting later.  I couldn't resist trying some new body care products made from all-natural ingredients.  My husband and kids weren't as interested in the details as I was.  But it still made for a fun and worthwhile family outing. 

I met several innovative small-business owners who are making a go in this greenest shade of the green economy.  I can't wait to share their stories with you all week long.

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