Broccoli Leaf Harvest

A few months ago my youngest daughter helped "plant" more seeds than we intended in a little flower bed. We ended up with a few odds and ends there, most notably the broccoli plants than finally came into their own shortly before our first hard frost.  We had additional broccoli plants in their intended location, although my gardening did not produce much of a harvest.  We ate the floret part of the plants just a couple of times.  

Recently in our cool autumn weather, the leaves looked so gorgeous that I asked the folks at Sow True Seed if I could eat them.  The answer was to go ahead and give it a try.  They let me know that broccoli is in the same family as kale, providing a similar edible leaf.  My husband turned up his nose at my little harvest.  But these nutrient dense leaves will probably turn up in some soup this week.

While I was picking, the puppy started nibbling on the tiniest florets left on some plants.  Next year will be an interesting garden season with her around.

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