How about an all-natural family project for $2 or less? That's what I reassured myself after noting that I'm probably a few weeks late this time getting the red cabbage seeds planted from
Sow True Seed. They are perfect for late summer, per the package. I'm not so sure about early fall.
On a gorgeous, not-quite-summer morning, I tore out the summer plants from one terrace level and sifted some fertile soil from the compost pile to enrich it.
Sifting Compost Soil |
Then my preschooler and our new puppy both helped me plant the seeds.
Bell Pepper Plant |
It's going to be an interesting gardening season next spring when our puppy tries to help again. She's already claimed my small, green striped cutshaw pumpkins for chew toys. The puppy is not as interested in the green bell peppers or the horseradish plant.
Horseradish Plant |
Everyone had fun helping and maybe we'll grow some cabbage after all. If not, it was still a fun preschool lesson.