If you want to attract more butterflies to your yard, should you landscape with a butterfly bush or a butterfly weed? Which vines will fill in your flower bed without choking out everything else? What questions should you be asking your local nursery or landscape crew? When are the selective times that even an organic gardener might want to consider chemical herbicides?
Find answers to these questions and more at an upcoming public workshop on invasive plants in East Tennessee. Respected ecologist Pat Parr and other leaders of the Tennessee Exotic Pest Plant Council will be hosting the Oak Ridge Community Workshop on Invasive Plants on Friday, September 21 at the Civic Center. You can register here for the morning workshop, with an optional field trip that afternoon at the nearby UT Arboretum.
Organizers say Invasive Plants 101 will help students develop plans for controlling invasive plants and provide alternatives. Cost is only $5, with Tennessee pesticide re-certification points available.
The event is sponsored by the Tennessee Exotic Pest Plant Council in partnership with The City of Oak Ridge's Environmental Quality Advisory Board, Keep Anderson County Beautiful, Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and The University of Tennessee Forest AgResources Research and Education Center.