A Gifted Garden Basket

Horseradish plants have successfully reproduced in my garden this season to the point of making more than I'll ever convince my family to eat.  It's time to tidy things up and start thinking about next spring. So, I was happy when my friend Rachanna accepted my offer to adopt some horseradish plants.

Rachanna's Cambodian heritage includes a rich background in gardening and cooking.  She plans on starting some horseradish plants in her own garden.  I knew she would prepare the root of the plant like I do.  But I didn't realize that she cooks the entire leaf of the horseradish, as well.  She said it can be used in stir-fried dishes or soups.  She's inspired me to try that soon with more of the horseradish leaves still growing in our garden.

My friend brought me a colorful variety of things from her garden.  She instructed me that I could cook the bitter melon, another green variety of squash, and ginger leaves.  She brought the most beautiful ginger root, as well as bright orange persimmon fruit from another friends' tree.  It should be fun to let the family try something different on their plates.