Gardening and Waking Up With Stonyfield

Heirloom Red Bell Pepper Plants

I run five miles, water the garden, prepare a gourmet breakfast, then head out the door, on time, with perfectly mannered children and my own perfectly coiffed hair.  Sounds like a parenting fantasy to me!

Truth is, if I can get one or two of those things right in the morning, I'm happy.  Sure, I try to be a responsible parent.  And yes, I'm committed to pampering the garden, especially since we're growing more varieties of our own organic food than ever.  I fail most often in the fitness category, simply not making enough time for myself.  As for the hair...wasn't it a busy mom who invented the pony tail?

If I manage breakfast well enough to cook something scrumptious, Stonyfield recipes are there to help me make everything from quiche to pancakes to breakfast burritos.  If I'm short on time, Stonyfield can still help ensure our family has a nutritious start to the day.  Sometimes we make smoothies that include fresh kale from the garden, frozen berries and Stonyfield's organic yogurt.  Really running late?  YoKids comes in all sorts of great textures and flavors that my kids can gobble on the go.  I often put frozen YoKids Squeezers into the kids' lunches, happy to send them off with a treat that adds all-natural goodness.  
Late-Blooming Heirloom Tomato Plants next to the Strawberry Patch
Heirloom Seed Potato Pieces Curing Before Planting
Mornings can be a challenge, and they're also a beautiful time for counting blessings: fresh air and sunshine, healthy kids, and hopefully our own fresh strawberries to pick from the garden soon.  While my tomato seedlings were a bit neglected this year, the sweet pepper seedlings look hardy and I've had a surplus to share with friends.  Our family is excited about trying new crops like organic potatoes, carrots and watermelon.

Organic gardening and cooking is something I'm relearning after a childhood on  a family farm.  While I grew up around gardening, I'm learning alongside my own kids about growing food without toxic, persistent pesticides.  I appreciate that Stonyfield supports family farms and uses only organic ingredients, just like we're growing in the family garden.  

Wake Up With Stonyfield helps me get better informed about the origins of our food, as well as conveniently getting mornings off to a healthy start.  You can Wake Up With Stonyfield too by signing up here for a daily bit of inspiration and coupons from Stonyfield Farm - a great clean couponing resource.  Here's to filling even the most hectic mornings with sunshine and goodness!

Disclosure:  as a Yo-Getter fan of Stonyfield yogurt, from time to time I've received free yogurt samples and other modest promotional items and compensation from Stonyfield.  Currently, this blog post is an entry in the #WakeUpWithStonyfield blogger contest in which I would love to win the chance for more paid blogging with the company.  However, as anyone who knows me can attest, my opinions are always my own! #ad

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