Diverse Voices Speak Up for Healthy Families and a Healthy World

A concerned husband who wants his children to grow up healthy.  A wife worried about her husband's mysterious allergies.  A former BBC filmmaker finding a painfully personal connection between toxins and the loss of her unborn baby.  A movie star compelled to share her passion for healthy living.  A young woman whose struggle with infertility has personalized her work in empowering other women.  The chorus of voices has never been more diverse than it is today on the topic of protecting ourselves and our families from everyday toxins.
Actress Mariel Hemingway
Speaking at a Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families
and Healthy Child, Healthy World event

The science is ringing clear that tiny doses of toxins, in common household products and our home environment, could be threatening our health and well-being.  Because environmental health and related topics are perhaps THE human rights struggle of our day, it takes a resounding chorus of different voices to put the notes together and strike a chord.

Here are just a few of the voices speaking up for the health of women, children, families and communities:

Actress and healthy lifestyle advocate Mariel Hemingway is encouraging women around the country to share the awareness that we can all take steps to reduce toxic exposures.  At a recent event she headlined for the nonprofit Healthy Child, Healthy World organization and the coalition Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, Hemingway stressed education for ourselves and others.

Outreach Director Cassidy Randall
Women's Voices for the Earth
Cassidy Randall once shared with FlourSackMama.com that her infertility and a loved one's cancer were personal reasons why she's involved in a modern day women's health movement.  As Outreach Director for Women's Voices for the Earth, Randall gets the word out that each of us has a voice and a constructive way to use it for good. Later in August, WVE is hosting actress Fran Drescher for its next Body and Soul webinar.

Victoria DiLorio
Healthy Home project

Victoria DiLorio started researching indoor air quality after noticing her builder husband struggle with mysterious allergic reactions.  She went on to create the Healthy Home project to demonstrate best building practices at family run Dior Homes that keep indoor air less polluted by common construction materials. DiLorio is Healthy Child, Healthy World's 2012 Mom on a Mission.

Me with Kathy Soleri of Safe Mama

I recently met Kathy Soleri of Safe Mama, the go-to resource for parents who especially like using her Cheat Sheets to sort out what's what about new products. Soleri is one of today's most popular bloggers and is the proud mama of two young children!

Deputy Director Lindsay Dahl
Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition

Special thanks to Deputy Director Lindsay Dahl of mega-coalition Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families.  Dahl recently introduced guest speaker Mariel Hemingway at a reception in Chicago. This talented woman uses her voice to organize and encourage people around the country toward a healthier future.

Filmmaker Penelope Jagessar Chaffer
Toxic Baby movie

Award-winning documentary filmmaker Penelope Jagessar Chaffer brings a very personal perspective to her advocacy work.  She has shared candidly about finding a link between toxins and the second of her two miscarriages.  She documents how modern science meets the world of pregnancy and childbirth in her bold documentary called Toxic Baby. "We can't wait until we all get sick. We can't wait until all of our children get ill, unwell or develop some kind of disorder before we engage with this."  Chaffer is now thankful for her two healthy children. You can view Chaffer's TedTalk with scientist Tyrone Hayes at this link.
Director Ed Brown
Unacceptable Levels movie

Director Ed Brown is busily promoting his new documentary called Unacceptable Levels as it premiers in more cities around the country.  Brown sought out top scientists and consumer advocates to help explain how toxic chemicals have become part of our bodies and to understand why government and industry consider toxins to have "acceptable levels" in each and every one of us.  Brown's film is sponsored by several nonprofit groups.  "It's a groundswell that's happening related to this idea of toxic chemicals inside our bodies and what they could be doing to us.  And it makes me feel good that I'm doing the right thing for my wife and my kids by doing something like this."  Brown uses film to bring the latest in environmental health research to anyone willing to hear the message. Personally, Brown and his wife have overcome multiple health challenges, including having two miscarriages. They're thankful for now having two healthy children and a third on the way this fall.

Mom on a Mission 2013 Finalist Lori Popkewitz Alper is among several bloggers who advocate for healthier futures with the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition.

Blogger and author Micaela Preston wrote the book Practically Green before many of us had even heard of how a green lifestyle could be our down-to-earth approach to healthier living.

Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families Bloggers/Advocates (left to right):
 Penelope Jagessar Chaffer of Toxic Baby, Kathy Scoleri of Safe Mama, Deputy Director Lindsay Dahl of SCHF,
Micaela Preston of Mindful Momma, Lori Alper of Groovy Green Livin', Anne Brock of Flour Sack Mama
Ready to use your voice for good in the struggle for a healthier environment and a better future for everyone's children? Here's one place to start:  Take action here in just a couple of minutes to ask leaders to strengthen the Chemical Safety Improvement Act.  And reach out to nonprofits like the ones mentioned here for educational resources to share in your community.

Mariel Hemingway was the special guest speaker for a summer event in Chicago hosted by Healthy Child, Healthy World and the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition.  Together, these organizations and related bloggers connect to millions of people across the country.  Both groups educate about the latest in health and environmental science research, advocating for better consumer protections from chemicals in everyday products.

*Disclosure:  Support for the Healthy Child, Healthy World, SCHF gathering and non-toxic product samples were shared with bloggers from MyBonaHome.com and other leaders in non-toxic products.  Special thanks to Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families for making my attendance possible.   

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