Enjoying the EcoFAB50 Experience!

When you've been braving the big city, learning to hail cabs in high heels, how wonderful being welcomed to take your shoes off and relax in a yoga studio with moms, babies and other bloggers concerned about eco-conscious living! EcoFAB50 was a retreat from a sometimes overstimulating conference I recently attended in Chicago.

The hosts for a select group of bloggers were Elizabeth "Bert" Anderson of First Time Mom and Julie Clark of Cloth Diaper Geek and She Thinks Media.

Anderson and Clark worked tirelessly to support eco-friendly and even small, family run businesses by connecting them with top eco-conscious bloggers from around the country.  When I saw so many women bringing along their babies and strollers or met others anxious to chat about their children back home, I knew I was in the right place. 

Christy and Geoff Malone from Michigan instantly made a good impression when I saw they had identified a need in their own family and used their entrepreneurial skills to help other families. The Malones' Smart Bottoms diapers are, get this -- made with organic cotton AND made in the USA supporting USA jobs.  Smart boutiques across the country and on a few other continents already carry their smartly made diapers. Don't miss the giveway here for a Smart One 3.0!

I'm reading even more history and fun tips about cloth diapering from Kelly Wels' Changing Diapers book that was shared at the reception.

The fun, family friendly and eco-friendly items shared with attendees were numerous - and I'll be sharing some of those in another "share the love" giveaway at a later time on FlourSackMama.com.

One treat that I will not be sharing is the Bottom Balm sample from Eco Sprout.  When I met the work-from-home dad who founded Eco Sprout and is helping make diaper laundering and other baby-related tasks gentler for everyone, he told me some people use Bottom Balm on their lips.  While I'm not crazy about the product name - my lips love it!

I've been cleaning everything around with What-EVER cleaner from Better LIFE and loving it!

And special thanks to Crane for the fun hippo humidifier for my kids' room this winter.

Here's a basketful and more of fun goodies I brought home from EcoFAB50.  Who knows, maybe I'll be able to share more about some of them at a later time. 

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