Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mail-Order Seeds

I love the old-fashioned notion of mail-ordered seeds, because I can't find enough selection where I live.  My catalog was, of course, the Internet.  Being more intentional about what we plant this year, I've chosen mostly heirloom and/or organic varieties.  I can't wait for the girls to help me get them started inside.  I fear that I'm a couple of weeks behind on this bit of garden planning, but I'm doing the best I can.

My husband, who usually enjoys a leisurely trip to the local gardening store to bring home tomato plants, is humoring me by waiting to see what I can grow indoors from seed.  I'm trying to assure him that if he'll just be patient, we'll potentially have the tastiest tomatoes ever, including the meaty brandywine variety.

I'm probably being overly ambitious about the amount of food I want to grow this year.  I ordered some easy lettuces and squash, plus seeds for beans, broccoli, and melons.  I'm sure something will go wrong, but I'm excited to try more things.

In addition to reading more gardening books, I am also trying to find the best in expert advice online.  I am impressed with the level of detail shared about seeds and everything else from the author of the site called A Way to Garden, so I hope she won't mind my sharing this link with you.

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