Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Flour Sack Fabrics

Display at Englewood Textile Museum
One of the vignettes at the Textile Museum in Englewood, Tennessee includes this quote, "I washed five feed sacks and made me a bedspread."  The museum offers gorgeous examples of homemade quilts, coverlets and clothing. Particularly during the Great Depression, resourceful folks could make whatever they needed from simple means stitched together with ingenuity.

Displayed near the quilts is some humble cotton yardage in cheery prints.  The volunteer on staff confirmed that this would have been fabric from flour sacks.

Flour Sack Fabric at Englewood Textile Museum
She also held up this little child's dress stitched from flour sack fabric.
Child's Dress Made from Flour Sack Fabric
Englewood Textile Museum
This fabric reminds me of a cotton bonnet sent to me recently, that seems to be made from flour sack fabric.  More about it and an entire box of vintage layette, another time.
Bonnet likely from Flour Sack Fabric
Private Collection

1 comment:

  1. That's really cool. Before encountering your blog, I didn't know about flour sacks being reused for clothing and other items. I'm amazed by the beauty of the material!

    I've started a new blog (that is more focused on gardening), and will be retiring my other one soon. I'd love to see you at the new one!
