Sunday, November 20, 2011

From Small Farm to Table

Chicken legs are a favorite for the kids at my house.  They were happy when I brought some home recently from River Ridge Farms.  Dave Waters and his wife, Verlinda, had been telling me all about their small, family farm operation.  I could see for myself that the animals there thrive on fresh air, clean water and grass underfoot.  I think it was part hospitality and part pride that motivated the Waters to make sure I sampled a taste of their farm  food.

I used no recipe, but simply washed the meat, dipped it in milk and rolled it in a crumb mixture.  I combined a little cornmeal, salt, pepper, garlic and Parmesan to create that mixture.  I oven baked the chicken legs for a lower-fat, pseudo fried chicken effect, until they were golden brown.

The chicken legs were fresh-tasting and fabulous, with a hint of crunch from the crumb mixture.  Even my husband, who's not the biggest chicken leg fan, admitted that they were wonderful.

Tomorrow:  family farming, free-range turkeys and fresh beginnings!

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