Sunday, January 15, 2012

True Love and Truth Telling

My husband must be crazy about me.  Even when our babysitter and night-out-on-the-town plans fell through, he settled for a movie at home, checked out from the local library. Even when he realized it wasn't the usual action hero movie he would have picked, he was willing to give it a try.  Luckily we'd already had dinner and tucked in the kids.  This movie has a way of giving you a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.

My matter-of-fact, budget-conscious husband actually paid attention to all 90 minutes of Food, Inc.  The film is captivating without relying on special effects like an action hero flick.  The slow, steady pace and relentless presentation of facts is enough.  This brilliant man I married admitted there were several things he'd been completely ignorant about before watching the movie. 

Now, maybe we're the last people on earth to watch Food, Inc. in its entirety.  But I think not; because if everyone else had, we'd all be growing more gardens and changing more unhealthy habits, bit by bit.  I was amazed when the very next day, my husband returned from the grocery store, bragging that he'd spent a few more cents on some items after reading the ingredient labels and finding the ones without the high fructose corn syrup. One small step.

This week, we'll hear from more brave truth tellers who are unfortunately finding some unsettling things you'll want to know about.  They're more moms looking to science and finding reason for concern about things we buy for our children that we commonly assume are safe.  Please join us each day this week, and let us know what else you want to learn more about this year at  

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